Monday, June 27, 2011

{120 Minutes}

With the summer comes heat, and if you live in Arizona, that means lots of heat. "It's a dry heat" is something I have heard a million times and probably said it a few times too but let's be honest here --- that saying is TOTALLY over-rated. When you are talking about a 114 degree day, it is hot no matter what the humidity is. So what do the little Valles' do when it is this hot out? Sometimes that takes some creative thinking. This year I introduced the boys to "Summer Fun Mommy", yeah that is me. That is when I get to take them places and do activities with them that I wouldn't normally get to during the school year. As quick as she comes, she can go away too. If children of Summer Fun Mommy do not listen and follow directions, she is gone. If they are sassy, or give her guff, say adios. Basically I told them that it is in both of our best interests that she stick around for awhile. So far so good.

In an attempt to keep the kids active and limit the hours of screen time (television, computer and video games combined), I thought it would be a good idea to sign the boys up for summer school! The fact that I get 2 hours of quiet time is just a bonus! I do try not to squeel my tires as I leave the parking lot though! And 2 hours is really not that much time if you think about it. Refocus... Diego is taking Things That Fly, a class devoted to exploration of planes, kites and rockets. As a bonus, he learned to juggle in class too. His other class is Writing Mastery (no he didn't pick this one, I did). He has written an autobiography, a fan letter to Kurt Warner and a paper about his family. My favorite is his closing sentence on the one about his brother, "Sometimes we just want to choke each other out, but Aidan is my brother and we do really love each other." The honesty of a 9 year old! Aidan is taking two classes as well. He is taking Fundations, a phonics and spelling program. He was very excited because it was going to be like kindergarten! Selling him on this class was not that hard, however, sometimes he "gets tired of talking about letters". His second class is Creative Cooking and boy does he love this class. He has made ice cream volcanos, cowboy cookies, trail mix and other fun things. What I love about this class is that the lesson begins with a book and then they work on a math, reading, or language skill and then cook. He is learning about measurement and all kinds of fun stuff! He wants to cook dinners at home and will put on his apron and take out his cutting board. His enthusiasm is awesome.

So for 16 days the boys are in summer school for 120 minutes that is 1,920 minutes in all. Doesn't sound like much, but this busy mom will take what she can get!

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